5 common mistakes Lagosians make during Detty December
Another Detty December is upon us, and it is in everyone’s best interest to prepare well for it.
Even though we have written about what to expect, some people are foolhardy – that’s why we are warning you of the pitfalls.
1. Underestimating traffic
If you have an event by 6 pm, leave your house by 4 pm because you are going to be caught in the throes of traffic. You can stay in a traffic jam for 30 minutes, meanwhile where you want to go is just five minutes away.
2. Going out when they don’t have enough money
In December, everything is expensive, even transportation. It’s better to sit down in your house and manage your money than go out and disgrace yourself.
3. Going early to concerts or going to concerts at all
Unless it’s for Johnny Drille, or Pulse Fiesta, never go early to any Nigerian concert, they will most likely start at least four hours late.
If you go to any concert, do not complain, because you will have complaints.
4. Having a concrete plan about how and when to go home
If you don’t have a car, don’t have too much fun and forget you have a home to get back to. Before they close all your estate gates, and you are left out in the cold.
5. Getting too drunk at parties
We get it, the year has been tough and long but don’t drink yourself to a stupor and embarrass yourself and the members of your family, especially at your office parties. If you pass out and someone steals your belongings, you won’t be too happy now, would you?
With these few points of ours, we hope you have resolved to have fun but within reasonable limits.