Jesus never raised the dead nor healed the sick, says Majid in sermon
According to the Ghanaian actor, Jesus Christ never personally healed any sick person nor raised the dead, despite these acts being widely credited to the Son of God according to biblical teachings.
Citing some of the known miracles attributed to Jesus Christ, Majid said, “Do you know Jesus never healed the sick nor raised the dead? Jesus never let the blind see.”
Explaining his point of view to a cheering congregation, he continued, “Do you know what Jesus said? ‘I do nothing by myself. As I see the Father do, I do. In other words, I am Jesus, I have a will, but I will not use my will; only the will of my Father I came to do.’”
Referencing the moment Satan tempted Jesus in the Bible, he added, “If the devil had gotten Jesus to turn that stone to bread without asking his Father’s permission, he had gotten him to sin and that is what you call sin—separation from God, independence from God.”
In the video posted on his Instagram page, he concluded, “When you throw your own plans and make your own decisions without consulting the Father, you have sinned.”