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Not all friendships are healthy… 6 signs it’s time to sever ties



“Friends are like stars, they come and go, but the ones that stay are the ones that glow”… indeed, not all friendships are meant to last forever.

When the negative energy of a friend begins to take a toll on you; when their words, and deeds are detrimental to your motivation, it’s time to cut that tie.

Here are signs to help you identify friendships worth discarding.

Parasitic friends

Friends who only think of benefiting from you and never have the thought of giving back to you are not true friends.

Parasitic friends leave you when you are broke and show up when your purse is fat again.

They are never around when you need them but they know how to burden you with their problems.

They are called fairweather friends.


Friends who grow green with envy and are bitter when you acquire something new or what they don’t have, are not worth keeping around.

Friends that fall into this category strive to get everything you possess and are never happy with your progress. They talk you out of any good decision you arrive at, and criticise every good step you take.

One-way friendship

You are the only one committed to the friendship; you do the calling, texting, you chat them up first and you are there for them when they show up with problems.

You find it hard to understand their true nature and you can’t predict them. All they do is talk about themselves and never ask about your own issues.


They doubt everything you say and don’t believe in your dreams; they make it obvious that they have no jot of faith in you.

Such friends are always ready to discredit even when you achieve something.

Constant conflict

Some friends are often judgmental, hard to please, too quick to react and are not interested in listening because everything revolves around them.

They try to initiate conversations on a friendly note, start growing contentious and finally end with discord.

You can’t see their flaws

Friends who feign perfection as though they don’t err are to be avoided.

They exaggerate and tell you stories that are far from being true; they make you believe that every action they take is the best and only way.

You have to do away with such friends in order to achieve your dreams because they’d never want you to be an inch above them.


Kazim Adeoti reveals why he didn’t attend his first wife’s 50th birthday party




Kazim Adeoti, the film producer, has addressed speculation surrounding his absence from his first wife Funsho Adeoti’s 50th birthday celebration in Minnesota, United States.

Funsho’s extravagant party, attended by friends, family, and their four children last week, sparked controversy due to Kazim’s noticeable absence.

But in a now-deleted social media post, Kazim clarified that Funsho explicitly asked him not to attend, citing concerns of potential embarrassment.

The movie producer said despite feeling hurt, he respected Funsho’s decision to avoid embarrassment.

Kazim said he wished Funsho a happy birthday offline and “she acknowledged it pleasantly”.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the celebrant and I spoke about her plan for her 50th birthday party and how she wished to celebrate it. She wanted a party but, shockingly she specifically said that I should not attend. I asked her again to be sure in the presence of our children and to everybody’s surprise, her response was consistent-she said NO!” he wrote.

“That was her wish, and I would not want to be embarrassed by attending a party that the celebrant asked me not to attend, so I stayed back in Nigeria.

“Regardless of how painful her position was to me, I ensured that I supported her morally and financially towards the success of the party. I also informed and ensured that some of our families and friends in the USA honored her big day.

“As I always do, I wished her a happy birthday offline, and she acknowledged pleasantly.”

Kazim and Funsho’s marriage has faced public scrutiny since the filmmaker took actress Mercy Aigbe as his second wife in January 2022.

He also justified his decision, saying as a Muslim, he is entitled to marry a second wife.

However, Funsho responded with a stern warning to the pair.

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Men who can’t provide for their homes have no right to sex, says Kanayo




Kanayo O Kanayo, the ace actor, says men who fail to provide for their families “have no right to intimacy”.

In an Instagram post on Sunday, the 62-year-old film star emphasized that financial responsibility is a fundamental aspect of marriage, citing the importance of men taking care of their households.

He said men have a sacred responsibility to provide for their families through hard work, citing holy scriptures.

Kanayo also advised women not to overprotect their husbands’ financial struggles, warning that it can foster “laziness and irresponsibility”.

He encouraged young women to carefully choose their partners.

“I woke up to a trend that I found disturbing. It is useless and dangerous — a man depends on a man to feed him. The most disturbing part is that women want to defend their husbands so that whatever is happening in their homes does not go out,” he said.

“But sometimes it is detrimental to his progress. Every man has a responsibility to his family. Like we read in the holy books a man who does not provide for his family is worse than.

“…But I am saying on this note that a man who cannot feed his family has no need and no use to use his private part on a woman. It is a responsibility. This is an advice to young women. Know who you marry.

“I have been disturbed by this. Do not make the defense for man to make him irresponsible. He does not take his bills again. Especially if your children are still within the growing age. When you have to pay school fees and so on. It brings a whole lot to the woman.

“It brings pressure on the woman. I have a personal experience of somebody who even if the car of the wife goes bad pretends he does not know. It got to a level when the conversion became so open. There is a need for every man to be hardworking.”

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Nine ways to show interest in a man — without being awkward




It is often difficult for many ladies to express interest in the opposite sex and for those who do, they end up having an awkward situation on their hands.

Some women are too shy to make the first move. These lot would rather hope that the man would read their minds and approach them at some point while some would rather let those feelings die than show interest.

If you belong to any of these groups, here are nine ways to express interest in a man.

Pay attention to him

No matter who they are, every human likes attention, in fact, some people live for it. A good way to make him know that you are interested is by paying attention to him.

You have to be careful not to overdo this as you could come across as needy.

Be warm and/or flirt – as flirting is not for everyone

This would have been all about flirting but seeing as some people cannot flirt to save their lives, an easier way is to be warm around and towards the man you’re after. Don’t be cold and uptight.

Make an effort to look nice around him

You have most likely heard the saying that men are moved by what they see. Appeal to his sensibilities and make an effort to look nice around him. If he is the outspoken type, he will give you a compliment and both of you can start talking from there.

Be friends with his friends

When guys are around their friends, they talk a lot and their friends have the ability to influence them. Being friends with his friends will mean that you get to spend more time with him without worrying about any awkwardness.

Also, his friends might notice that you feel something for him and say something about it to him. If he had not noticed before, he will surely notice afterward.

Engage him in small talk but make him feel at ease

At times when you find yourself alone with him, don’t leave room for awkward silence. Make small talk and keep him in his comfort zone, don’t put him on the spot so that he doesn’t start making conscious efforts to avoid you.

Occasionally praise his achievements

Men like to have their egos stroked. Compliment something unusual about him; that way he will feel at ease with you.

Remember not to do it too much or he will think you don’t mean the things you say.

Drop your ego and keep it real. (Don’t taunt or tease)

This is where most women get it wrong; they forget to be real. Perhaps they feel like they are not good enough hence the extra layer of pretense.

Remember that you will not say yes to every guy that asks you out, it’s the same here so be real. It’s his bad if he doesn’t like what he sees.

Be real, tell him what is on your mind.

Body contact

This is for the strong-hearted; a touch here and there is a surefire way to let him you are interested.

Tell him flat out

If you have come this far, you might as well eat the humble pie and tell him. The worst thing you will get is a NO and it is not the end of the world.

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Bodex F. Hungbo, SPMIIM is a multiple award-winning Nigerian Digital Media Practitioner, Digital Strategist, PR consultant, Brand and Event Expert, Tv Presenter, Tier-A Blogger/Influencer, and a top cobbler in Nigeria.

She has widespread experiences across different professions and skills, which includes experiences in; Marketing, Media, Broadcasting, Brand and Event Management, Administration and Management with prior stints at MTN, NAPIMS-NNPC, GLOBAL FLEET OIL AND GAS, LTV, Silverbird and a host of others

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