Tonto Dikeh flaunts hot bod in skimpy attire
Mrs @tontolet shows off her full fresh body and she says she’s ready to hit the gym
I think she’s still ok like this thou and by the way, she addresses herself as MRS, please any hint on MR?? Hope Tonto isn’t going to the convent sha?? Cos na only Rev.Sisters they marry Jesus
#ididntsayanything #Justpassingby #Bodexlahlookingfortontostrouble #Shesgonnagiveittomeniceandslow #Celebritylifestyle #Hollywoodstar #Sugarrush #Shesinlove #Entertainment
I think she’s still ok like this thou and by the way, she addresses herself as MRS, please any hint on MR?? Hope Tonto isn’t going to the convent sha?? Cos na only Rev.Sisters they marry Jesus
#ididntsayanything #Justpassingby #Bodexlahlookingfortontostrouble #Shesgonnagiveittomeniceandslow #Celebritylifestyle #Hollywoodstar #Sugarrush #Shesinlove #Entertainment