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A Nigerian lady took to Facebook to share pictures of how she serves her husband food, and based on the awkwardness, we believe its all for laughs.

See how this Nigerian lady serves food to her husband laialsnews

The lady identified as, Ujuamara David Paul, on the platform, was schooling ladies on how to be a, WIFE MATERIAL, when she shared the funny pictures. She wrote;

To those my brothers/friends that are not yet married, if she does not serve you food like this she’s not a WIFE MATERIAL????????. To those my sisters/friends that are not married yet, if you cannot serve him food like this you’re not a wife material???????????????? and to those sisters/friends of mine that are married if you cannot serve him food like this you better go and look for where you left your wife materialism, y’all MUST use your back as a dinning table????????????????????………ah! Who slapped me now? ????????????????.

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