Confession- I held meetings with snakes- Former Super Eagles Goalkeeper
Former Super Eagles goalkeeper, Idah Peterside, has made a shocking confession of how he went into occultism for money and fame, and was having meetings with snakes…
“It was so bad for me that I even went into demonic worship; I was involved in occultism and people didn’t know,” Peterside said
“I did all that because I wanted money and fame which were not coming. My case was so bad that I used to have meetings with snakes. Mine was top class; it was crazy.”
He revealed, “While we were preparing for Rivers ’88 in Port Harcourt, we were camped in a school called Enitonia High School and the school didn’t have a good toilet. On a particular day while I was going to the toilet near a building, I heard a voice say, ‘We want to bless you if you work for us’.
Then I said, ‘Who are you?’ And the voice said, ‘Turn to your left’. When I turned, I saw a very big and lengthy snake, as big as a python, and it was as if the snake was looking at me. Then I started shivering like I had seen a ghost. You may not believe it but from that moment, I saw those snakes every night when I went to sleep.”
“What actually took me to the next level in occultism was dependent on the number of women I slept with because my covenant was to initiate women. I didn’t sleep with them for love or any relationship; my mission was just to initiate them and move on,” he explained.
“Automatically, every women I slept with was initiated – no argument. I was basically looking out for and sleeping with virgins because it was a blood covenant. You know, blood is spilled when you dis-virgin a girl. It was crazy.”
In reward for his devilish actions, Idah stated that he lacked nothing materially and even possessed strange powers within his eyes. “I got used to the snakes and when I had any problem, I’ll just tell them what I needed,” he told Vanguard.
“Before I knew it, money would come from nowhere – money worth as much as N5000 which was big then. Those days, when I signed for Sharks Football Club, my sign off fee was N1000 – just to tell you the worth of N5000 then. Things were happening for me and there was nothing I asked any person for that I didn’t get. All I needed do was turn around and look into your eyes – anything I said was done, whether man or woman.”
In 1996 however, the young man tearfully turned to God in prayer, realising he was treading a path toward destruction. “I was calling on God to forgive me, to save me. While I was praying, sitting and crying, suddenly I got filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues,” he recalled.
“The next morning, as I went to the toilet, I saw those demonic people appear to me and say, ‘We’ll kill you’ – and I ran out Unclad from the toilet. I got so involved in church activities that in three months, I was teaching the Bible at home. In six months, I took off from Iwuanyanwu Nationale and went to Bible school. Since then, I’ve remained in the church