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My Presentation Today At Ikorodu Tourist Blue…Nelly Agwu




Jealous means apprehensive or vengeful out of fear of being replaced by someone else.

While jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have, love or desire will be taken away by someone else.

People often take jealousy to mean envy.

But Envy means wanting to have what belongs to someone else.

Jealousy is sometimes referred to as “a green-eyed monster.

We have subtle, unnoticeable, mild or strong jealousy.

Jealousy signs are, Anger, lack of Trust when you are not together with your partner, Afraid when they call other people’s names, You constantly check on their social media handles and phones without permission, You think someone is cheating on you, When you try to control your partner’s behaviour and life, When you grill your partner on their whereabout throughout the day, Accusing your spouse of lying without evidence etc.

There are Romantic and platonic jealousy, Power and Status jealousy often found in workplace as regards promotion, we have Abnormal jealousy which has to do with Anxiety or Mental Health issues. Is always associated with unfaithfulness and results to abusive behaviours.

Causes of jealousy are varied,
a, Communication Issues.
b, Low Self-esteem.
c, Loneliness.
d, Siblings Rivalries.
e, Polygamous Homes.
f, Insecurity.
g, Trust Issues.
h, Competitions.

To avoid jealousy, some steps should be taken such as,

1, Getting Support from Therapist.

2, List your Insecurity or Vulnerability areas, understand and honour it.

3, Build your self confidence and Image.

4, Stop building unrealistic expectations in relationships.

5, Build healthy coping skills.

6, Give each other Space in your togetherness to achieve a bond.

7, Show Empathy, Love, be Creative, Accountable, Honest, & Authentic.

8, Discuss your past experiences with your partner for mutual respect.

9, Effective Communication is vital.

10, Understand those things that triggers your jealousy and deal with it.

Remember that sometimes feelings are not facts. Voice your concerns and let go negative thoughts.

Jealousy is a poison and kills .

“Jealousy in romance is like salt in food.

A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.”

– Maya Angelou.




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