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Mohbad’s father reveals why he quickly buried him



Joseph Aloba, the father of Mohbad, has explained why he quickly buried his son.

The 27-year-old singer died on September 12 and was buried the next day.

In a recent interview, Aloba said that in Yoruba culture, it is “customary not to keep a deceased person’s body for long if both parents are alive”.

He said if Mohbad had passed away at an older age, he might have considered putting him in a mortuary.

He also said the land where the singer was laid to rest was his sole property, adding that he had given it to him to build a church.

“In Yoruba land, his corpse is not the kind to be kept when both of his parents are still alive,” he said.

“Assuming he died at an older age, we might have considered putting his body in the mortuary and taking it at a later date. That same night we took him away from there and buried him where we did.

“That land where Mohbad was buried is his only land, that is the only land I know him to have owned.

“Truly he gave me the land to build my church because we had both agreed to build the church there and since that’s the only land I knew him to have.”


Cardi B vows legal action against troll who called child protective services on her




American rapper Cardi B has announced her intention to take legal action against the person who made an anonymous call to the Child Protective Services (CPS), leading to an unwarranted visit to her home.

Enraged by the visit, the rapper, who had been hospitalised before the incident, took to her Instagram live session on October 22, 2024, to express her annoyance over the supposed prank call.

She said, “To do a prank call with CPS to come to my gated mansion at 11pm while my children are sleeping because of an anonymous call that my kids have been getting abused and beaten. Are you fucking dumb?”

The mother-of-three condemned the prank as not only irresponsible but also deeply concerning.

“This is where the pranks start going too far; and you assholes think this is funny and it’s not funny. First of all, I’m the only coloured or Latin person in my neighbourhood completely and for people to pop into my house with cops and child protective services because someone did an anonymous call involving my children?”

Going further, she vowed to take action against both CPS and the person responsible for the call.

She explained, “I promise you this: I’m going to sue child protective services and I’m also going to sue the person who made this call and as soon as I wake up in the morning, I’m going to the bottom of this.”

“I’m going to hire the best private investigator in the whole country because y’all take joking and shit a little too far. Don’t ever play with my kids or my motherhood or my ex-husband’s fatherhood. We don’t play that shit, my kids live great and have never been touched or hit. No matter how annoying they are, I never hit my kids,” she stressed.

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We’ve received US toxicologist’s report on Mohbad, says Lagos AG




Lawal Pedro, the Lagos state attorney general, says the toxicology report and forensic analysis conducted in the United States on the late singer Mohbad, finally is out.

Mohbad, born Ilerioluwa Aloba, died under mysterious circumstances on September 12, 2023. He was buried the following day.

On September 21, 2023, his body was exhumed for an autopsy at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), which revealed no significant findings that could be attributed to his death.

Mohbad’s family had rejected the results and demanded an independent investigation.

According to Monisola Odumosu, a member of the Aloba legal team, a two-part autopsy was being conducted. She said the first part had been completed and the second involved toxicology and histology tests.

Speaking at a recent press conference at the ministry of justice conference room in Ikeja, Pedro said the Lagos state pathologist is in custody of the autopsy report which was conducted at a medical facility in the United States.

The attorney general attributed the delay to a “prolonged investigation” into the case.

He also disclosed that the forensic examination would not have been done in the US if the Lagos DNA and Forensic Centre had not been burnt during the #EndSARS protest of October 2020.

Pedro revealed that the toxicology report is now with the Lagos state pathologist and the coroner magistrate.

“On the Mohbad case, yes, I agree there has been a delay, and the delay is caused by time taken for investigation,” he said.

“Forensic, analysis, toxicology, all these are part of the investigation. Full proof investigation that can lead at least to conviction in a case that is presented before the courts.”

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Halima Abubakar threatens AGN with N3bn lawsuit over defamation




Halima Abubakar has demanded N3 billion in damages from the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) over “professional misconduct”.

On Friday, the guild suspended Abubakar allegedly finding her “guilty of spreading false information about fellow members, associates, and patrons, including allegations of extramarital affairs with highly placed individuals”.

In a letter dated October 20, 2024, P.D. Pius & Associates, Abubakar’s legal representatives, described AGN’s allegations as a “false narrative” done “deliberately to denigrate our client”.

They also demanded that the guild take down the Instagram post announcing the actress’ suspension, issue a public apology, and pay N3 billion for the “damage to Abubakar’s reputation”.

“You peddled the false narrative about our clients deliberately to paint her in a bad light, cast aspersions on her, denigrate her, and stir up social opprobrium against our client,” the letter partly reads.

“You are well aware that our client has been battling with her health for years and despite a professional relationship, you did not have the courtesy to visit her or in any way show concern.

“Rather than show concern or respect to our client’s fundamental rights to fair hearing and privacy, you chose this delicate moment of recovery for our client to push your narrative a false narrative about our client in order to arrest her health recovery process, cause her emotional and psychological pain and damage her reputation.”

“… We are therefore constrained to demand that you should immediately take down the publication and render an unreserved public apology to our client via your Instagram page.

“Cease and desist from any further publication against our client. Pay N3 billion to out client for damaging her reputation.”

Abubakar’s legal team also declared that “unless these demands are met within seven days, we are instructed by our client to pursue appropriate legal action”.

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Bodex F. Hungbo, SPMIIM is a multiple award-winning Nigerian Digital Media Practitioner, Digital Strategist, PR consultant, Brand and Event Expert, Tv Presenter, Tier-A Blogger/Influencer, and a top cobbler in Nigeria.

She has widespread experiences across different professions and skills, which includes experiences in; Marketing, Media, Broadcasting, Brand and Event Management, Administration and Management with prior stints at MTN, NAPIMS-NNPC, GLOBAL FLEET OIL AND GAS, LTV, Silverbird and a host of others

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