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Africans affected as Brazil imposes entry restrictions on ‘stopover’ migrants



Brazil has placed restrictions on the entry of some foreigners who use the country as a midpoint to migrate to the United States of America and Canada.

The restrictions, introduced on Monday, will mostly affect migrants from Asian and African countries, The Rio Times, a local newspaper, reports.

A federal police investigation showed many migrants often buy flights with layovers in Sao Paulo’s international airport, en route to other destinations, but stay in Brazil and begin their journey to the US and Canada.

The restrictions were said to be imposed in response to concerns about human trafficking.

Police said most asylum seekers in Brazil lack legitimate grounds for their claims.

Under the new rules, those seeking asylum must demonstrate that they face persecution in their home countries to be allowed entry.

Jean Uema, Brazil’s national secretary of justice, said travellers without visas, who are simply transiting and face no real risk, will be denied entry.

Official documents provided to The Associated Press showed that over 70 percent of requests for refuge at the airport come from people with either Indian, Nepalese, or Vietnamese nationalities.

The African nations of Somalia, Cameroon, Ghana, and Ethiopia are among the remaining 30 percent of asylum seekers.

Nigerians have also flocked to the South American country in recent times.

Last year, four Nigerians perched atop a ship’s rudder for 14 days, with a distance spanning 5,600 kilometres (3,500 miles) of ocean.

Two of the men sought asylum upon arrival in Brazil. The others were deported.

On Thursday, a Nigerian woman gave birth midair en route to Brazil.

The woman said she and her husband were travelling for their “honeymoon and babymoon”.


Comoros president wounded in knife attack




Comoros President Azali Assoumani was slightly wounded in a knife attack Friday, the presidency said, adding that the attacker had been arrested.

“The President of the Republic Azali Assoumani was slightly wounded by a knife while attending the funeral” of a well-known religious leader, it said in a statement.

“His injuries are not serious, and he has returned home. The attacker is in the hands of the security services,” it added.

Government spokeswoman Fatima Ahamadael told AFP that the attack happened in Salimani-Itsandra, an area on the outskirts of the capital Moroni.

“Thank God, his life is not in danger,” she said, declining to give further details.

Witnesses told AFP that the attacker was a 22-year-old with no criminal history, who had joined the army in 2022. He was dressed in a boubou, and was in the room with the religious leader’s body, as mourners were paying respects, they said.

The knife injured the president’s hand, but the attacker was stopped by another mourner, the witnesses said.

A source close to the presidency, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: “The president has received appropriate care. He is out of danger.”

A second source, also speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the attacker was a young “active-duty gendarme”.

No other details were immediately available.

After the attack, the neighbourhood remained tense, with gendarmes on the scene. Residents hurried home, sometimes pausing to whisper in small groups on the streets.

Azali, 65, a former military ruler who came to power in a coup in 1999, was re-elected president in January after a disputed vote was followed by two days of deadly protests.

He has been accused of growing authoritarianism.

In August, he granted new powers to his son, in a move that critics said was a step towards consolidating the family’s rule over the small African island nation.

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Australia to ban children from using social media




The Australian government has proposed a bill on a minimum age limit for children to use social media, citing mental and physical health concerns.

Anthony Albanese, prime minister of Australia, said his government would run an age verification trial before introducing the legislation.

“I want to see kids off their devices and onto the footy fields and the swimming pools and the tennis courts,” Albanese said.

“We want them to have real experiences with real people because we know that social media is causing social harm.”

The law would place Australia on the list of countries to impose age restriction on social media.

Australia’s internet regulator, eSafety Commissioner, said in June that “restriction-based approaches may limit young people’s access to critical support” and push them to “less regulated non-mainstream services”.


The proposal follows South Australia’s plan to restrict social media access to people aged 14 and over.

Peter Malinauskas, South Australian premier, said the proposal was fuelled by concerns that social media was harming young people and affecting their mental health, leaving parents “almost powerless”.

“The government is now going to step in, we’re going to ban kids from getting access to these accounts,” he said.

“We’re going to ban the social media services from providing access in that first place and where they do it and do it knowingly, they are subject to severe punishment, heavy financial penalties that will act as a major deterrent to ensure this doesn’t occur in the future.”

Malinauskas said the proposed regulation put “a positive obligation and duty” on social media companies to ensure children under 14 cannot access such platforms.

“That positive duty and obligation doesn’t just extend to prevent individual children from getting access to the platform but creates a systemic responsibility on the social media platforms to ensure they are undertaking all reasonable steps to prevent children from getting access,” he said.

If passed, the legislation will require social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat to take “all reasonable steps” to prevent access by any South Australian child under the age of 14.

They would also have to ensure teens aged 14–15 could only access platforms with parental content.

Bans and limited access would be overseen by a state regulator who would monitor compliance and impose sanctions, such as: warnings, infringement notices and fines; and court proceedings that impose corrective orders or civil penalties.

Legal action could also be taken against providers by either a regulator or parents on behalf of a child who has suffered significant mental or physical harm.

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UK to release 5,500 prisoners in two months to ease overcrowding




The UK government is expected to release about 5,500 prisoners in England and Wales to ease overcrowding.

The BBC reports that more than 1,700 detainees are expected to be freed at first, with subsequent releases in September and October.

Data from the UK ministry of justice shows that there are a total of 88,521 prisoners in England and Wales as of September 6.

The “usable operational capacity” — the total number of people a prison can hold while taking into account issues like control and security — was 89,619, leaving spare capacity of just 1,098 places.

This is well above the prison service’s own measure of a “good, decent standard of accommodation”, which was 79,856 at the end of July.

Jonathan Reynolds, UK secretary of state for business and trade, told Sky News that the “emergency decision” had to be made because the previous government could not manage the justice system.

“Of all the scandals we inherited, I think the prison system, the justice system, is probably the worst of all,” he said.

Martin Jones, chief inspector of probation, told BBC radio that the pressure on prisons was “extreme”.

“It’s the highest population we’ve ever seen in this country. Prisons are absolutely close to 100 percent capacity”.


Prisoners who have served only 40 percent of their fixed term sentence, rather than the usual 50 percent, will be automatically released.

However, those who are in jail for serious violent offences with sentences of four years or more, as well as sex offenders, are not included.

The scheme also excludes those convicted of domestic abuse and what the government calls “connected crimes”, such as stalking and controlling or coercive behaviours.

More serious offenders serving life sentences, for example, will only be released after the Parole Board has assessed whether they still pose a risk.

Anyone released will be monitored by the probation service and this could involve the use of electronic tagging and curfews.

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Bodex F. Hungbo, SPMIIM is a multiple award-winning Nigerian Digital Media Practitioner, Digital Strategist, PR consultant, Brand and Event Expert, Tv Presenter, Tier-A Blogger/Influencer, and a top cobbler in Nigeria.

She has widespread experiences across different professions and skills, which includes experiences in; Marketing, Media, Broadcasting, Brand and Event Management, Administration and Management with prior stints at MTN, NAPIMS-NNPC, GLOBAL FLEET OIL AND GAS, LTV, Silverbird and a host of others

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