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How long does it take for gum to digest once swallowed?



Many people have heard the claim that if you swallow a piece of bubble gum, it will take seven years to digest. This idea has been passed around for generations, but is there any truth to it?

The belief that swallowed gum takes seven years to digest is a myth. This idea likely comes from the fact that gum is not easily broken down by our digestive system. While it’s true that gum doesn’t digest the way most foods do, it certainly doesn’t stay in your stomach for years on end.

In reality, your body is much more efficient at handling things, even if it takes a little extra time to process them.

To understand why gum doesn’t digest like other foods, it’s helpful to know what it’s made of. Bubble gum consists of a gum base, sweeteners, flavourings, and softeners. The gum base is what gives gum its chewy texture, and it is made from substances that are resistant to the body’s digestive enzymes. These substances might include natural latex, synthetic rubber, or resins. The other ingredients, such as sweeteners and flavourings, are easily broken down by your digestive system, just like any other food.

When you swallow gum, your digestive system treats it like any other food that you consume. It moves through the oesophagus into your stomach, where digestive enzymes start breaking down the parts of the gum that they can—like the sugars and flavourings. However, the gum base, which is resistant to digestion, remains mostly intact.

After spending some time in the stomach, the gum moves onto the small intestine. From there, it travels through the rest of your digestive tract, eventually making its way to the large intestine. Just like with other indigestible items, such as the fibre in fruits and vegetables, the gum is eventually excreted in your stool.

Although gum doesn’t break down entirely, it doesn’t stay in your stomach or intestines for long. Generally, it takes about 24 to 48 hours for swallowed gum to pass through your digestive system and exit your body. This timeframe is pretty much the same as any other food you eat. So, there’s no need to worry about gum sitting in your belly for years—it’s just a myth!

Swallowing a small piece of gum every now and then isn’t likely to cause any harm. Your body will naturally move it through your digestive system and get rid of it. However, swallowing large amounts of gum or swallowing gum frequently can lead to problems.

In rare cases, swallowing too much gum could cause a blockage in the digestive tract, particularly in children. This is one reason why it’s best to spit the gum out after you’re done chewing it.

But, if you accidentally swallow a piece of gum, there’s no need to worry—it won’t stick around for long!


NAFDAC alerts Nigerians to recall of Dove bar soap over ‘chemical impurity’




The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has alerted Nigerians to the recall of Dove beauty bar soap.

In a statement on Monday, Mojisola Adeyeye, the NAFDAC director-general, said the 100g soap with batch number 81832M 08, produced in Germany, was recalled due to chemical impurity.

Adeyeye said the soap does not comply with the cosmetic products regulations because it contains butylphenyl methylpropional (BMHCA), which is prohibited due to its risk of harming the reproductive system, causing harm to the health of an unborn child, and skin sensitisation.

“As a result, a ban on the marketing of the product has been placed by some regulatory and public authorities in the EU,” the statement reads.

”Other Dove cosmetic products recalled/banned in other countries due to the presence of BMHCA are Derma Spa Goodness, Men Care, Men Care+ Sensitive Shield, Natural Touch, Nourishing Body Care Light Hydro, Pampering Body Lotion, Go Fresh, Talco con Crema, Go Fresh Pera, Extra Fresh, Goodness3 Skincare Ritual, invisible dry antiperspirant spray + Go Fresh Revitalize nourishing shower gel, Caring hand wash, and invisible dry.

“Importation of soaps is prohibited in Nigeria as per the restricted and import prohibition list.

“Beyond the import restrictions, soaps and cosmetics are parts of the items ineligible for foreign exchange to import in Nigeria.
These products are also not available in the NAFDAC database.

“Importers, distributors, retailers, and consumers are advised to exercise caution and vigilance within the supply chain to avoid the importation, distribution, sale, and use of the above-mentioned products.

“Members of the public in possession of the product should discontinue the sale or use and submit stock to the nearest NAFDAC office.

“Healthcare professionals and consumers are encouraged to report adverse events experienced with the use of regulated products to the nearest NAFDAC office, via, e-reporting platforms available at, or via the Med-Safety application for download on android and IOS stores.”

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Does placing a laptop on the lap affect women’s fertility?




In today’s tech-driven world, laptops have become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether for work, study, or entertainment, we often find ourselves placing laptops right on our laps.

But have you ever wondered if this habit could affect your health? Specifically, does placing a laptop on your lap impact women’s fertility?

While concerns have been raised about how this might affect men, many wonder if women are at risk too.

One of the main reasons people worry about using laptops on their laps is the heat they generate. Laptops can get quite warm during use, and this heat might raise the temperature around the pelvic area. For men, it’s been established that excessive heat can affect sperm production. But what about women?

The female reproductive system is mostly internal, which means that the organs responsible for fertility are not as directly exposed to heat as in men. However, this doesn’t mean that women are completely unaffected. Prolonged exposure to heat might potentially raise the body’s core temperature slightly. Yet, there is no scientific evidence directly linking laptop heat to reduced fertility in women. Most experts believe that the brief periods during which most people use laptops on their laps are unlikely to cause any harm.

Another concern that often comes up is electromagnetic radiation. Laptops, like many other electronic devices, emit a small amount of electromagnetic radiation. People worry that this could harm the reproductive organs or eggs in women. However, it’s important to know that the amount of radiation emitted by a laptop is very low and falls within safety limits set by regulatory bodies.

Currently, there is no scientific evidence showing that the radiation from laptops affects female fertility. Most studies and expert opinions suggest that the levels of radiation are too low to cause any significant harm.

Even though there is no strong evidence suggesting that using a laptop on your lap will harm female fertility, it’s always a good idea to be cautious. Using a laptop stand or a cushion can help prevent direct heat exposure and might make using your laptop more comfortable.

Taking regular breaks and changing positions can also be beneficial, not just for fertility but for overall health, such as preventing back and neck strain.

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5 important things you should know about donating blood




Every day, thousands of people need blood for different reasons, like surgeries, accidents, or illnesses.

Unfortunately, there’s not enough blood available to help everyone who needs it. This is why donating blood is so important. Whether you have done it before or are thinking about it for the first time, understanding the process can help ease any worries you might have.

Why Is donating blood so important?

Blood is something that cannot be made artificially; it can only come from kind-hearted donors. Hospitals and emergency services need a steady supply of blood to save lives, treat diseases, and help patients recover from surgeries. In fact, every second, someone needs a blood transfusion. By donating blood, you are directly helping these people in their time of need.

Here are some important things you should know about blood donation:

When you donate blood, you are not just helping one person. Your blood can be separated into different components, such as red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Each of these components can be used to help different patients with specific needs. For example, red blood cells are used for trauma or surgery patients, while plasma can help those with blood clotting disorders. This means that with just one donation, you could potentially save up to three lives.

Donating blood is not only good for the recipients but also for the donors. Regular blood donation can help keep your iron levels balanced. High iron levels can be harmful to your health, so donating blood can help reduce this risk. Some studies also suggest that regular blood donation might lower the risk of heart disease.

Many people worry about whether donating blood will hurt or if it is safe. The good news is that donating blood is a quick, safe, and mostly painless process. The entire blood donation process takes about an hour, but the actual blood draw only lasts about 10 minutes. After donating, most people feel fine, though it’s always a good idea to rest and have a snack before going about your day.

There are different blood types, such as A, B, AB, and O. Knowing your blood type can be helpful, especially since some types are more in demand than others.

For example, O-negative blood is known as the universal donor because it can be given to people of any blood type. On the other hand, AB-positive blood is the universal recipient, meaning people with this type can receive blood from any other type. When you donate, your blood is tested to find out your type, and this information will be helpful for future donations.

Donating blood is not just a one-time event; you can give regularly. In fact, you can donate whole blood every 56 days, or about every two months. The human body is amazing and can replenish the blood you donate in a short amount of time.

This means you can make a habit of donating and continue helping people throughout the year. Many people find great joy in knowing that they are making a difference on a regular basis.

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Bodex F. Hungbo, SPMIIM is a multiple award-winning Nigerian Digital Media Practitioner, Digital Strategist, PR consultant, Brand and Event Expert, Tv Presenter, Tier-A Blogger/Influencer, and a top cobbler in Nigeria.

She has widespread experiences across different professions and skills, which includes experiences in; Marketing, Media, Broadcasting, Brand and Event Management, Administration and Management with prior stints at MTN, NAPIMS-NNPC, GLOBAL FLEET OIL AND GAS, LTV, Silverbird and a host of others

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