In a surprising turn of events, Porsha Williams, the former star of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, has officially filed for divorce from Nigerian entrepreneur Simon...
Ikechukwu Onunaku, the Nigerian rapper, has confirmed his divorce from Ella, his wife. The couple tied the knot in May 2021. However, rumours about their marriage...
Jerry Eze, the founder and president of Streams of Joy International, says he met Eno Ebele, his wife when she was 17 years old. Ebele turned...
If you seek ideas to escape Valentine’s Day billing from your partner, here are six tactics you could implement right away. Most men find it overwhelming...
Nedu Wazobia, the on-air personality (OAP), has confirmed that he has remarried. During a recent episode of the Off Air Show, Nedu spoke about his second...
Popular street shop singer Portable has stressed that if any of his wives cheats on him he’d let them go because he does not want to...
Valentine’s Day is a time to express your affection for the special people in your life, including someone who has caught your eye and stolen your...
In a glittering Las Vegas ceremony on February 11, American R&B superstar Usher has married his longtime girlfriend, Jennifer Goicoechea, marking a new chapter in their...
Valentine’s Day is one day that is all about love, even though some people say all kinds of love is celebrated on this day, we all...
Jimmy Odukoya, a senior pastor of the Fountain of Life church, says men without jobs shouldn’t think of marriage. During a recent sermon titled ‘What Is...