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Nigerian Politicians Belong To Illuminati – Femi Fani Kayode



Femi Fani Kayode

Femi Fani Kayode revealed on his facebook account that prominent Political leaders are members of the illuminati cult

He wrote: “Members of the public know nothing about their political leaders. And it is worldwide phenomenon.
“There is a grand conspiracy to establish a New World Order and most of these world leaders are just puppets of the illuminati, paving the way for the Anti-Christ.
“All u have to do us to be in the inner circles of power for one hour to know that these creatures are not human.
“They are cold, unfeeling and callous. They kill, maim and destroy at the drop of a hat. There are many secrets that some of us will carry to the grave.
“They say knowledge is power and ignorance comes with a very heavy price and devastating consequences.
“This matter is for developed and enlightened minds and sadly beyond most people.
“The so-called Islamic agenda in Nigeria and elsewhere is obvious and we are here fighting it day and night risking life, liberty and limb.
“The question is who is behind it and why? What is the end game? The motto of a small branch of the illuminati tree known as the Freemasons is “out of chaos comes order.
“It follows that theirs is to first create chaos from country to country and then to estasblish their ‘new world order’,”

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